
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Bliss of Emptiness

What more bliss is there than realizing your own emptiness?  It is liberating.  It's not that you feel free. You realize that you are free.  All those things that you think you are -- they are just projections. All those things that you think you should be doing -- also, projections, illusions.  What happens when you look behind the projections?  What do you find?  An absence.  Behind the images you project of yourself, there is an absence.  You are not any of those things.  The things you hold most dearly - you are not even that.  The things you think so strongly that you must do, you do not even have to do that.   With an ignorant mind, those projections, those feelings seem to be so real.  With a mind of wisdom, you see those images are illusions.  They are nothing more than projections.  Look behind the projections.  What do you see.
Look behind the projections, and you have that "ah ha" moment.  Like when you go into your pocket to find your wallet and it is not there. "ah ha..."  With a mind of wisdom, you experience the absence of anything behind the projection.  Meditate.   Have a direct realizatoin of the Emptiness of you and you will feel liberation.  You will know that you are free, eternal and boundless.  Meditate on emptiness and you will feel this direclty and you will know it without doubt.   You will feel so high, meditation will be like a drug. You will want to experience it everyday, maybe more than once a day.  You will not be able to wait to get to your meditation cushion because you will want that bliss of experiencing emptiness directly.  You will want reminders because it is easy to lose the vision when we go into the world.  This is why we meditate daily. To keep the vision of reality.  To remind ourselves of what is true, of where things really come from.  Remember our projections come from our past seeds ripening.

The biggest tip I can give you, is what my teachers said to me....spend time to find the Goktcha.  This is the most important part of Emptiness meditations.  Spend time to have a very clear image of the goktcha - the thing that does not exist, that you will negate in your meditation.

When meditating on the emptiness of the "I" spend time finding those characteristics, those images that you most identify yourself with.  The things that you so firmly think that you are.  This is what is to be negated.  So spend time getting that firm vision of what your body and mind is to you.  Only after that image is very clear, see it with an ignorant mind (that thinks they are fixed, inherent, true qualities) and then see it with a mind of wisdom (that knows it is all a projection).  Then, see what is behind the projection...if you can stay with your wisdom mind, you will see that behind the projection is a pure absence of don't have to hold on to all those images you have of yourself - of who you are, of what you have to do, of who you have to be - you are empty and because you are empty you are free.  Emptiness is beyond even feelings, let alone thoughts.  Even feelings are not things we can trust to be real because even feelings are projections.

Enjoy the bliss of emptiness.  Take care of others.  Keep planting beautiful seeds.  Remember to realize emptiness directly, you must have merit.  Helping people, not only plants seeds so that people help you, but, by helping people you also cultivate merit to have direct realizations and then to help people in ever profound ways.  It is upward spiral.

Your paradise awaits you - you create it through your present actions, thoughts and words.  Practice the six perfections, staying aware of emptiness.  The six perfections are generosity, ethics, patience, joyful effort, concentration, and wisdom (of emptiness).


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