Topic 7: Developing the Wish to go Beyond
Now we wonder, do we even want another precious human life? Though the human life is amazing, we are not completely free from pain here and the happiness we experience here is impermanent. Everything is uncertain. Things can change in a moment - accidents, disease, death, parting from loved ones, sometimes having to leave our own country, wars, violence, danger, etc, etc. Just read any newspaper and this is clear. Even this precious human life is in the realm of samsara - cycles of joy and sorrow, ups and downs, uncertainty, beautiful things pass, challenges come...and we may think, well "this is life." Suffering is just the nature of this life.
But, this is this life. This is not the only possible realm. This is just the way that this human realm operates. It can be different. There is a possibility to have a life where pleasures do not end, and where suffering and dissatisfaction are no longer a part of your life.
If we think deeply about this, we realize that if we want real freedom and real happiness we must go beyond this samsaric human life. The stages of the intermediary scope teach us how to go beyond samsara and attain permanent inner peace and complete freedom. This is real liberation or nirvana.
The first step in moving beyond samsara is to contemplate the many faults of samsara and develop a strong aspiration to achieve liberation. For elaboration on this point, read pp 1-41 in Part 3 of Pabongka Rinpoche's Liberation in Our Hands.
By contemplating the painful nature of samsara, you may conclude "I have experienced these sufferings in the past and if I do not attain liberation, I shall have to experience such things again and again. Therefore, I must escape from samsara. I must go beyond even the miracles of this human life and achieve liberation/nirvana. This is not the only possible realm. I can live in a world where pleasures never cease and dissatisfaction is not experienced." When this thought arises clearly and definitely in your mind, hold it and meditate on it single-pointedly for as long as you can.
Dedication: Same as precious days. Always dedicating the virtue of your study and meditation to the benefit of all. May I reach enlightenment quickly and help others to get there quickly as well. May I not experience mental afflictions that will wash away the virtues of this meditation.
Subsequent practice: During breaks in your day, maintain the firm wish to attain liberation from samsara. When you face life challenges or see other people facing obstacles, remember the disadvantages of samsara and that things can be very different.
Tomorrow we will establish the nature of the path that leads to liberation. Please read pp 43-99 in Liberation In Our Hands: Part 3
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